4th Grade Past continuous


Dear Students

Copy in your notebook following important information about past continuous.

Today is April 16, 2021

Past Continuous  

Pasado Continuo

El Pasado Continuo, es un tiempo que describe acciones que estaban siendo realizadas del pasado y que continúan haciendo en el momento de hablar de ellas.

Cuando hacemos frases en pasado continuo debemos tener en cuenta la siguiente estructura gramatical:

Para formar el pasado continuo se utiliza el verbo auxiliar “to be” en pasado  (was-were) y el verbo principal termidado en -ING.


1.    I was studying English.

2.    John was playing tennis at 10 a.m.

3.    They were reading some interesting books.



Complete following sentences using past continuous.

1.    I was____________ in New York. (live)

2.    She was _____________ lunch at the school. (eat)

3.    They were _____________ at the restaurant. (Work)

4.    You were ______________ all day. (Sleep)

5.    She was__________ dinner. (make)

6.    I was ___________ to Japan. (travel)

7.    They were ____________ in the garden. (work)


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