
Mostrando entradas de octubre, 2021

7th Grade Modals

MODALS Modals of Advice: Should, Ought to, Had better VIDEO:   https://youtu.be/_Rb_2Jyip50 These three verbs are  modal verbs . should ought to had better Modal verbs are helping/auxiliary verbs that express ideas like  ability ,  advice , and   obligation . Many modal verbs have more than one meaning. They are always followed by the simple form of a verb. For example: Amanda should go to the doctor. This shows that we think it is a good idea for Amanda to visit the doctor. Modals for Advice English speakers use the modal verbs  “should,” “ought to” and “had better”  to express that they think something is a good (or a bad) idea.  “Should” is the most common way to give advice. Look at these examples: Affirmative Negative Question A: I failed my test. B: Really? You  should study  harder. Young children  shouldn't watch  violent TV shows. I have a problem.  Should  I  call  my parents or my friend? A: It's really cold outside. B: You  ought to wear  a warm jacket. (“ought to”

4th Grade Used to

 Used to Usamos el verbo modal “ used to ” para indicar algo que ocurría o sucedía en el pasado de manera habitual . También, se utiliza para algo que antes era verdad pero ya no lo es. Como con los otros verbos modales, “ used to ” está seguido por la forma base del verbo (el infinitivo sin “ to ”). Ejemplos:   We  used to go  to the beach every summer when I was young. (Cuando era joven solíamos ir a la playa cada verano.)   He  used to smoke   a pack of cigarettes a day, but he quit last year. (Solía fumar un paquete de cigarrillos al día, pero lo dejó el año pasado.)   I  used to like  mushrooms, but not anymore. (Antes me gustaban las  champiñones, pero ya no.)   There  used to be  a great restaurant here, but it closed a few years ago. (Había un buen restaurante aquí, pero cerró hace unos años.)

3rd Grade Verbs in Past

  SIMPLE PAST The simple past tense is used to talk about a  completed action  in a time  before now . The simple past is the basic form of past tense in English. Past simple – verb 'to be' We can use the past simple of the verb  to be  to talk about situations and states in the past. 1. I  was  at my gran's house yesterday. 2. She  was  with her friends last Saturday. 3. We  were  happy yesterday . Verbos Regulares: Son los más fáciles de conjugar ya que sólo debe agregarse al final del verbo en infinitivo -ed, -d (verbos con terminación “e”) o -ied (verbos con terminación “y”) 1. I  visited  my family last summer.  (Yo visité a mi familia el verano pasado) .  2. He  changed  his job, (Él cambió su trabajo) .  3. I  studied   architecture in the University of Mexico City”  (Yo estudié arquitectura en la Universidad de la Ciudad de México) . V erbos Irregulares: Cambian por completo su forma, por lo que es necesario tener en cuenta sus conjugaciones. A continuación mostrar