
Mostrando entradas de julio, 2021

4th Adjectives - Comparisons

  Today is July 21, 2021 ADJECTIVES - COMPARATIVES Adjective is  a word belonging to one of the major form classes in any of numerous languages and typically serving as a modifier of a noun to denote a quality of the thing named, to indicate its quantity or extent, or to specify a thing as distinct from something else The word  red  in "the red car" is an  adjective Clase de palabra que acompaña al sustantivo para expresar una cualidad de la cosa designada por él o para determinar o limitar la extensión del mismo . COMPARATIVES Para formar un  adjetivo comparativo , agregamos   "- er "   como terminación del adjetivo. Por ejemplo:  Tall  / alto -  Taller  /   más alto Carlos is  taller  than Fernando. Carlos es  más alto  que Fernando. Si el adjetivo termina en  "- y " , cambiamos esta última letra por  "- i "   y después agregamos el sufijo o terminación  "- er " : Crazy   /    loco -  Crazie r  / más loco The Joker is  crazier  than a

7th Grade Let's learn more verbs and some future forms

  Today is July 15th, 2021   Today is July 16th, 2021 UNIT 4 “A DAY IN THE LIFE” Vocabulary - verbs get rise go do make take brush put be have find help Hang out wash pay spend buy rent lend borrow save Future With Will There are two basic future tenses used to describe things that happen in the future. Besides these two there are some other future tenses which can be started other day. The first future tense is the future with "will." Use the future with will to talk about an event in the future that you have just decided to do, for predictions and for promises. Examples: I think I'll go to that party next week. The economy will get better soon. Yes, I will marry you. Structure : Positive:  Subject + will + verb (I, You, He, She, We, They)  will come

4th grade Unit 5 Vocabulary

  Today is July 8th, 2021 UNIT 5 INTERNATIONAL YOUTH COMPETITIONS VOCABULARY diving gymnastic running soccer swimming Table tennis Tae kwon do tennis volleyball basketball

3rd Grade Vocabulary unit 5

Hello, my dear students:         Welcome to our second semester of this year Hoy comenzaremos a trabajar en el vocabulario correspondiente a la unidad 5 de nuestro libro. Vas a sacar tu cuaderno en la parte del glosario y vas a dibujar el siguiente vocabulario:       Today is 7 th  July, 2021 UNIT 5 PUPPET FUN NEW VOCABULARY Dummy: muñeco Finger: dedo Puppet: titere   Hand puppet: títere de mano Marionette: marioneta   Mascot: mascota - (pet) Ventriloquist: ventrilocuo Sock puppet: títere de media